
Showing posts from January, 2023

Different Tools of Illustrator

Shape Builder Too - I really find this video useful since it explains how to make more complex shapes. The video is easy to follow along with and is slow paced where you can really grasp the concept. It allows you to connect multiple shapes and then drag them all together to make a bigger shape which takes away a bunch of the strokes. I am definitely going to using this tool a lot and I thought my classmates would benefit from it as well. For me creating shapes on illustrator can be complicated and this tool elimates a bunch of unnecessary text. Gradient to Fonts- I always struggled with fonts and applying cool colors that are not already on the color tab. Even thought the video is faster it shows you the common struggles people have when truing to add a gradient. Also instead of using the tool bar on the left hand side, it shows the different drop down menus on the top that most people are not familiar with. It also shows you secret steps that are tricks

Future Self

         To my future self. Hey it's me, you're only 20 years older now. As I write this to you I want to express how hard you worked in college. Covid-19 was a big struggle which took away senior prom, last year face to face with highschool friends and teachers, and changed my college experience. Starting off at University of Rhode Island and then transferring to University of Tampa was a tough choice. But I know we made the right one. I would have never made the friendships I created and the professors who guided me to the career path I want to take.  So are working in a Public Relations Crisis firm? If not, I know we're probably doing something that makes us happy and constantly busy. Even if the task required multiple hours it did not matter if we were constantly having a task to complete.  What I learned from college is that change is okay and to follow what you love to do. In all, its never too late, you're never too old. Even though your probably successful

Artist Statement

       In my art I like to express myself through different color shades and fonts.  I feel that people can see who I am through pieces of my work I create rather than an essay. I believe an artist can tell a story the same way people write a paper but doing this through a piece of art. In elementary school, different museum educators would explain various art canvas from Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and many more. Even though I was such a young age, I was always engaged and showed great interest in the different strokes each of these artists made with a certain purpose.            I have never been good at drawing or painting but I always admired people who made art through digital programs. I did not know that it was possible to make as powerful art from a computer as a hand painted picture. Ever since then I have been pushing myself to learn new programs to create art I was proud of. This allowed me to see art in a completely different way. I believe people should

Introducing Me - Caroline Demcsik

  Introducing Me       Hi my name is Caroline Demcsik and I am currently a Junior majoring in Public Relations and Advertisement. I transferred to University of Tampa from University of Rhode Island my sophomore year. I am from New Jersey and live only thirty minutes from New York City. I grew up going to the city a lot to see different Broadway plays and see the Tree in Time Square in December.      In highschool I played soccer and participated in my various musicals. My favorite memory was competing in an acting competition where I competed against Gaten from Stranger Things in the comedic monologue section. One of my biggest hobbies is cooking. When I am home for break I work at a local catering business and cafe. Also since I live off campus I enjoy hosting dinner for my friends where I am constantly making them try new things.      I am very excited to be taking Digital Media this semester since I always wanted to take it but I had to get other credits finished. I am not really s