Different Tools of Illustrator

Shape Builder Too - I really find this video useful since it explains how to make more complex shapes. The video is easy to follow along with and is slow paced where you can really grasp the concept. It allows you to connect multiple shapes and then drag them all together to make a bigger shape which takes away a bunch of the strokes. I am definitely going to using this tool a lot and I thought my classmates would benefit from it as well. For me creating shapes on illustrator can be complicated and this tool elimates a bunch of unnecessary text. 


Gradient to Fonts- I always struggled with fonts and applying cool colors that are not already on the color tab. Even thought the video is faster it shows you the common struggles people have when truing to add a gradient. Also instead of using the tool bar on the left hand side, it shows the different drop down menus on the top that most people are not familiar with. It also shows you secret steps that are tricks to getting a letter to looks certain ways. I do think that teh gradient tool will take me some practice but the video does a good job guiding what to do. 


Artboard tool- I think this tool is not really well known and is important to use so your pages is not crammed. For instance, to add a page in illustrator it is called artboards and you need to use a specific drop down menu to add them. Also the pages are side to side so you are able to look at both side to side. Also you can add multiple not just two and use the scroll bar on the bottom to go through all of them.



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