According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the Internet is a noun defined as an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. Two computer scientists by the name of Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn created the internet. The internet has changed and progressed over the years. On the internet there are many different theories to the first purpose as to why the internet was created. History.com states that “ the internet got its start in the United Stated more than 50 years ago as a government weapon in the Cold War. This way they were able to share important data to each other from miles away. Today the internet has various purposes like sharing information on the news to inform people all over the world what's happening in all areas. 

    Another well known scientist who changed technology is Tim Berners- Lee. He created the World Wide web in 1989 which differs from the interest since the “ Web is on of many applications built on top of the internet” ( mdm). Since Lee was a British scientist he wanted to create a way to share different information to other scientists in universitas around the world . This way they can share newly found data and change the world through science. Because of his creation the web is used for the public and not just for scientific use. He created a way to get important information communicated to people fast mainly though social media. 

After looking at a bunch of different sites I found the best way to think about the difference between the internet and the Web. A site called BBC Newsround goes into debt about the main difference. BBC describes it as thinking of “ the world wide web are the pages you see when your at a device and your online. But the internet is the network of connected computers that the web works on as well what emails and files travel across. Think of the internet as the roads that connect towns and cities together; The world wide web contains the things you see on the roads like hours and stops. The internet is what holds all of our apps and data together and without it our communication system would change drastically. Even though they are both very important, if the internet was no more everything else that was accessed via phones would be no more. 

Hedy Lamarr was featured in the National Women’s History Museum for her remarkable inventions. She was an Austrian- American actress who “ pioneered the technology that would one day form the basis for todays Wifi, GPS, and Bluetooth connection systems' ' (National Women’s History Museum).She was an actress who was featured in a lot during the Golden Age of Hollywood. Most people know of her from her beauty and not as a legendary figure in technology. 

Jeff Beck and Johnny Depp performed together and went on tour across the United Kingdom. The wrote a song together dedicated to Kedy Lamarr who they describe as the words most beautiful women and one of the smartest scientists. The lyrics portrayed how she was so much more than her looks and people neglect to see how she changed the technology world. One of the most famous lyrics is “ its so hard to speak when you're frozen in scream.” Many see the meaning of this that she is hard to be taken seriously as a woman because of the different films and shoots she was in. This song was one of their most well known songs and it really made people see Hedy differently and appreciate her in a different way.

Another legendary inventor was a Dutch engineer Japp Haartsen. He founded and created Bluetooth which was a way to connect different technologies to each other.  This technology was released in July 1999 and his first Bluetooth product featured a wireless voice headset. Before Bluetooth there were infrared  ports “ for wireless data transfer over short distances” ( Quick 2012). The name of Bluetooth was introduced by Jim Kardach who was one of the founders of the Bluetooth Sig. 

The Bluetooth logo goes back to the Viking area if you take each piece apart and really look at the meaning behind it. Each logo has a meaning behind it but many people do not know what the logo is for Bluetooth. One of the engineers behind the development of Bluetooth stated that “ the name belongs to a Viking- area king with a bad tooth. And not only that, but like menu of the best logos of all time, the icon is hiding a secret message” ( Piper , 2021).The design comes from two letters. When looking at “ its a superimposition of the Nordic runes for the letters H and B, for ‘Harald Bluetooth’” ( Piper, 2021). When people knew the true meaning behind the logo there was constant posts on twitter stating “ I was today years old when I learned Bluetooth is named after the 10th century King of Denmark and the logo is his initials in runed merged together.” 

Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil invented a Wi-Fi system to stop the US Navy's radio signals from enemies in WW2. The name Wi-Fi started in 1999 because it was a better name then calling it random numbers and is more catchy. The original names suggested were ‘IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence’ which was hard for people to even remember. Below is what the WIFI logo originally looked like.


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