
Showing posts from February, 2023


 Inspiration:  Sketches: Artist Statement:  I did an owl since I feel like I have adapted to be an "night owl" since most of my classes are at night this semester back to back. Also I always thought owls were beautiful animals and are often overlooked. Its amazing they can spin their head 270 degrees and their feathers allow them to attack silently. I enjoyed this project because it allowed me to explore different colors and make different swatches. I also had fun using the gradient tool. It was kind of complicated to use but after practicing on other shapes besides my logo. I thought that the font I used for "C" was effective since it kind of matches the owls ears. I used the pen tool first then use the curvature tool to make it congruent.  Color and Black and white final:

Calligram :)

  Artist Statement:        I really liked this project since it challenged me to use the text tool and use it to create art with words. This is my first time using illustrator so I am proud of how it turned out but I know each day I am getting more familiar with the tools and can do better. I have never been artistic but I am happy I figured out art can be presented through computer programs since I am very tech savvy. Process:       Since I am not good at drawing I used clip art on the internet to create my calligram. I took multiple clip art representing my love for music and then embedded it into illustrator, created a new layer, and then used the pen tool, circle tool, and text tool to create my calligram by outlining it the best I can. Here is my inspiration:  Letter to future self:  To my future self. Hey it's me, you're only 20 years older now. As I write this to you I want to express how hard you worked in college. -Covid-19 was a big struggle which took away senior pro


     According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the Internet is a noun defined as an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. Two computer scientists by the name of Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn created the internet. The internet has changed and progressed over the years. On the internet there are many different theories to the first purpose as to why the internet was created. states that “ the internet got its start in the United Stated more than 50 years ago as a government weapon in the Cold War. This way they were able to share important data to each other from miles away. Today the internet has various purposes like sharing information on the news to inform people all over the world what's happening in all areas.       Another well known scientist who changed technology is Tim Berners- Lee. He created the World Wide web in 1989 which differs from the interest since the “ Web is on of many